Mindful Monday: Mindful Eating with the Best Diet of 2020—the Mediterranean Diet

Uncategorized Jan 20, 2020

For the third year in a row, the Mediterranean Diet has been named #1 for overall health by the US News and World Report dietary rankings. A team of scientists, health practitioners, and dieticians review diets and rank them in several categories, probably in response to the criticism of the food pyramid. If you are still eating in a pyramid, swim across the Mediterranean Sea to Italy, France, and Greece for healthier choices. 

I came across the Mediterranean Diet back in the late 90’s. I went to my library and dug up the original book I read by Artemis Simopoulos, M.D. called The Omega Plan. My copy is dog eared and has no less than six page-markers where I’ve made important notes.  For someone like me, who deals with Celiac Disease and a Poultry allergy, eating Mediterranean is a fabulous fit.

I’m going to be discussing the diet in more detail during the Healthy Mindful Self Mastermind, this Wednesday at 8p eastern. (Free to register. Giveaways to those who register.)

Learn more here: https://www.lisanezneski.com/workwithme               

Register here: https://www.lisanezneski.com/mastermind

The main principles of the Mediterranean Diet are:

  1. East foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
  2. Use olive or canola oil as your primary fat.
  3. Eat seven or more servings of fruit and vegetables every day.
  4. East more vegetable protein
  5. Avoid saturated fat by choosing lean meats or low-fat dairy products.
  6. Avoid corn, safflower, soybean and cottonseed oils that are rich in omega-6 fatty acids
  7. Reduce trans fats.

If you base every meal around plants, then you are on your way to eating healthier.

When I attended the silent meditation retreat, an hour and a half was set aside for meals. I am the slowest eater and I was done quickly in comparison. What I learned from that experience, was that the food is about 75% of the meal, where the other 25% is how you approach the way you eat. Taking time to savor each bite, provides a level of nourishment that goes beyond the nutritional value of the food.

On Saturday I went to Universal Studios, here in Orlando. I went in search of a salad and found the side salad over near the Jurassic Park area to be perfect (and inexpensive). With a side of rice and my pass discount, I got out of there for just over $8, which is one of my things (How to get the best nutritionally dense meal at a theme park without spending a lot of money). As I sat and ate slowly, I savored every bite. The flavor of the shaved carrot was sweet and blended so well with the fresh spring greens. I felt refreshed and ready to take on the next big adventure: navigating Diagon Alley with 10K of my closest friends.

Be mindful of the foods you choose. Assemble meals based on plants. Eat mindfully to enjoy the flavors and take the respite that meals offer.  Be well until next Monday!  ~Lisa

Oh and join me in learning to meditate: https://www.lisanezneski.com/freebie

Find out how to work with me live here: https://www.lisanezneski.com/offers/2k46Q7cK









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