Simplify Your Life with Mindfulness
Your FREE introductory session is available to you live via phone or live online.
Schedule a FREE CallImagine being able to instantaneously interrupt stressful feelings with soothing breathing techniques

Learn simple breathing techniques to relax and get the swirling thoughts out of your head.
That's really all it takes. Nothing complicated or difficult. Just "Pause and Breathe."
Be there for your life while it's happening.
Be focused, calm, and present for what matters most in your life.
Schedule a FREE CallPersonal Presence is a Superpower.
Reduce stress, feel better and be more productive.
Building a healthy life based on small actions based in the present moment is what I call Healthy Mindful Self.
Bring the power of being present in the now to everything you do.
Join me in learning to meditate to influence how you show up.
If you are struggling to find balance in the face of competing demands, deadlines, and drama, I can show you how devoting a very short time to meditation can have exponential benefits.
Five minutes of meditation a day can bring peacefulness, productivity, and mindful presence.
I can show you how!
5-Minute Chaos Breakthrough
Clear your mind and expand your ability to rise above chaos.This audio meditation is designed to bring more awareness to your present moment allowing you to live life to the fullest.
"Healing is a multifaceted process that begins with mindfulness. Be here now."
- Dr. Lisa Nezneski
Hello! I’m Lisa
Lisa Nezneski, B.S. Pharm.D., BCPS, is a leading authority in the field of Integrative Medicine, bringing the benefits of traditional medicine, meditation and alternative modalities in a well-rounded approach to health and healing. I lost my house, my 34 year marriage, I was not grounded, just chaos, - I questioned everything in my life, and I questioned way out of my situation. This clarity grounded me and simplified my plan of action to where I am now. Today, the Lisa you see (clarity of hindsight) calm, easily see when I’m going off track to bring myself, I now pay attention to my self care instead of pushing through to burnout, I rest when I feel overwhelmed, I say no more easily, Deeper relationship to self, rebuilding relationship to my children after my divorce, happy and joyful being me.
Learn more about me