I am pleased to feature Jodie Von Kamecke, known professionally as Jodie Vee, for the month of June.
Jodie is a habit-based nutritional coach. She moved on from the financial field to health, fitness, and nutrition as her passion for helping others grew.
As a habit-based nutritional coach, Jodie works with metabolic flexibility to work with our innate tendencies. 🍎🍊🥕
Our conversation ranges from how we unconsciously blunt feelings of hunger to the mindful awareness of how our bodies feel when we eat. 🧘
Jodie talks about setting micro-goals that are small achievable steps using the current resources that we have.
By the way, Jodie is a fitness body-builder and she can deadlift 195 pounds. 🏋️ Talk about a strong woman!
Find Jodie on her website www.agingstronglife.com and @jodievee7 on social media.
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