I'm very thankful that I began my mindfulness journey quite some time ago. My book, "Grounded in Chaos" is my journey through a major upheaval in my life and will be published on May 4th. I'll be reaching out to get launch team members soon. But the point is that I lived through the biggest challenge of my life and came out on the other side changed, different, better. Much better. While you are in the middle of it, you can't make sense of all the changes, but meditation helped me keep perspective.
These are indeed strange times. So many people are stepping up to help in the way that they can. Staying balanced and centered when the whole world is changing, literally, is a challenge. I accept that and I am compelled to help.
I'm throwing my hat in the ring to lead meditations, and I have options for you.
Here is the link to join me in learning to meditate every Friday in April, at 8:00 am eastern.
Log in here with Password: 979016
For the next three Fridays, I'm teaching a live...